I love writing New Year posts, especially when this post draws the line under such a great year as 2011 was for me.
I wish all of us to have the freedom. The freedom to be what we are. The freedom to be with whom we want to be. The freedom to love, think, and create. The freedom to dream and to make our dreams come true.
I also wish that we find the strength to stand for ourselves. Over the course of 2011 I’ve seen and noticed too many instances of people controlling other people. They create fake profiles in social networks where they write the most ludicrous posts. They break into other people profiles and post alien pictures there. Sadly, the issues of trust and privacy are mostly non-existent in Russian Internet discourse as yet. People whose names are thus jeopardised seem to be quite passive in getting things sorted. I do wonder why on Earth people allow these things to be done to their good name. I guess I should put myself into their shoes in this situation, and I admit: I can’t.
We so often talk about the Big Brother, but the actual Big Bro may not even take the slightest interest in you – your neighbour can, though. The problem is that we tend to trust neighbours more than the Big Brother. Remember the notorious 1930s repressions in the USSR? The Big Brother acted on what he heard from the victim’s neighbours. Nobody ever forced people to report on others. Nobody had to report yet made the choice to do so, and I don’t think Stalin should be made responsible for that.
So, when others intrude on your life, it’s you who has to sort things out. Whoever your offenders are – children, women, elderly, disabled, peers – tell them to get out of your life. The best of them will actually respect you for that.
Back to pleasant things: I finish 2011 as the published author and translator. So the last wish I have for you is to go after your dreams like there’s no tomorrow. And always remember: it’s how good you want to be that matters. If in doubt, consult the Nike advert above.
Happy New Year! S Novym Godom!
In Russian
Дорогие читатели и друзья! Поздравляю вас с Новым Годом! Пусть у вас будут силы и стремление осуществить ваши мечты! Будьте свободны – работать, любить, думать, мечтать и творить! Будьте смелы и мужественны! Не позволяйте кому бы то ни было распоряжаться вашим добрым именем по их усмотрению. Это не вопрос возможности, это вопрос характера. Пусть вас окружают достойные, умные, бескорыстные люди, а со всеми остальными попрощайтесь. Невозможно выйти на первое место, если бояться остаться без второго. Желайте, но делитесь своими желаниями только с теми, кто их поддержит и поможет реализовать! И любите – себя, верных друзей, жизнь – искренне и без обид. Все вам вернется!
С Новым Годом!