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We Can Do Everything

As they say, if you can still control things you’re not moving fast enough. God knows, I moved three times in the last two months, and while I’m open to travel opportunities I like to think that each time I will now be coming back to “the base”. Never mind me, my belongings are also tired of being moved and shaken. 
What this means is that we can everything. When changes occur, especially dramatic changes, the usual reaction is to avoid response in the hope that this way it will be easier to deal with whatever is happening. But, really, can anyone move things for me? Can anyone solve my problems, except me? I am grateful to people who help me and support me, but in the end it’s up to me, and I can do it. 
The best thing is that I’m back online, and can take things forward. The song is just on the subject; as a matter of fact, it was covered by Mina Mazzini, but here it is accompanied by the original trailer. “This is the time, it’s the place, it’s the motion, this is the way we’re feeling…”
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