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Saturday Music: Mungo Jerry – In the Summertime

In our hemisphere temperature’s rising, so it’s just the right time to start thinking about summer. Thus here comes Mungo Jerry! This song I first heard on an audio cassette my Dad brought to me around 1997. It wasn’t until some 10 years later that I saw the curly mane of the band’s leader.

More songs in Music.

Changing, It Rests

Notwithstanding the well-known statement by Plato that one cannot step into the same river, it appears that Heraclytus did mean that the river had to flow to remain a river, hence we could step into it again, even though its waters could have changed over time.

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while know that in the past two years I was silent here. I lost access to my hosting account, and thus to this blog and other projects… only to realise it could be a blessing in disguise. So I took time to review many things, prompted, as strange as it may seem, by the events in my country. My friends list underwent some clearing, and I concentrated on teaching and writing.

So, two years later I’ve finally published a book (in English!), a lot of my articles appeared in print, I began to perform as a singer and discovered almost magic teaching abilities: some of my students passed exams in flying colours even though at the start of our lessons they could barely read in English!

And now I’ve decided to get back to blogging here. I really missed LCJ these past 6 months, and this was an indication that my river was waiting for me again.

The Ways of Love: Organ and Harp Concert

The visitors and residents of Moscow who love classical music are welcome to listen to music pieces for organ and harp. The concert is taking place on May 14th at Peter and Paul Lutheran Cathedral Church in Starosadsky Lane (Kitay-Gorod metro station). In the programme: the works of C. Debussy, M. Grangjani, G. Banschikov, B. Tischenko and others.

Date and time: May 14, 2017, 19:00.

Tickets: https://vk.cc/6AfcLx


Da Vinci – 565!

Дмитрий Мережковский – Леонардо да Винчи

О, Винчи, ты во всем — единый:
Ты победил старинный плен.
Какою мудростью змеиной
Твой страшный лик запечатлен!

Уже, как мы, разнообразный,
Сомненьем дерзким ты велик,
Ты в глубочайшие соблазны
Всего, что двойственно, проник.

И у тебя во мгле иконы
С улыбкой Сфинкса смотрят вдаль
Полуязыческие жены,—
И не безгрешна их печаль.

Пророк, иль демон, иль кудесник,
Загадку вечную храня,
О, Леонардо, ты — предвестник
Еще неведомого дня.

Смотрите вы, больные дети
Больных и сумрачных веков
Во мраке будущих столетий
Он, непонятен и суров,—

Ко всем земным страстям бесстрастный,
Таким останется навек —
Богов презревший, самовластный,
Богоподобный человек.

Paris 2013 – Basilique du Sacre Coeur

A year ago I finally reached Paris. I didn’t have much time so I chose to focus on a few sites, Sacre Coeur being one of them. At the bottom of the staircase to the top of Montmartre (not far from the spot in the photo) I had a thread wrung on my wrist. I had to make a wish first, and then a Congolese guy snapped off the ends of the thread…

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