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November Thanks – 19

Warmth is something we take for granted. A house should be warm, and so should our tea and meals, and winter clothes, and a hot water bottle. Little do we think, though, about the warmth of our hearts and souls. The cold we sometimes feel has nothing to do with the lack of clothes or low heating. It comes from within; it comes from other people. It causes loneliness and insecurity, frustration and disenchantment.

I’m grateful for people who shared their warmth with me when I needed it. Today I share my warmth with others to make them more confident, to let them feel love and acceptance. It is a great power – to give others what you have in excess.

Source: Pinterest

Author: Julia Shuvalova

Julia Shuvalova is the author of Los Cuadernos de Julia blog. She is an author of several books, a translator, and a Foreign Languages tutor. She lives and works in Moscow, Russia.

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