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London Music: Rathbone Place And St. Pancras Improvisations

It’s sometimes difficult to find a reason to use the word “serendipity”, however the videos may well justify it. It’s when a great thing happens naturally, without you planning for it. First, in Rathbone Place a guy from Hobgoblin music shop and a cyclist across the road improvised a James Brown cover. Imagine sitting still, sipping your perfect Illy coffee in a cafe in the same street? I cannot, so I put my cup down and recorded the singer. And when I arrived from Paris I was greeted by a practising amateur pianist, whom I also decided to record. As they began to offer piano music as a free entertainment in one of Moscow’s railway terminals, I wondered if the guy was also being paid to play. No, he replied, but the piano is free to use, so he takes this as an opportunity to exercise.

I’m sad I cannot include an audio recording of Paul Dean’s magnificent organ recital at St. Paul’s Cathedral, but perhaps I’ll find the means to let you hear how good he is (and so is the organ music).

Over to you, guys 🙂

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